France 2001 |
NimesNimes is in the south of France. Historians believe the city was once a colony founded by the emperor Augustus and populated with legionnaires, veterans of the Egyptian campaign who settled here after the battle of Actium in 31 BC.The Maison Carree ("Square House")This temple was originally dedicated to Caius and Lucius Ceasar, the grandson and adopted son of the emperor Augustus. The Amphitheater The amphitheater in Nimes is one of the best preserved in the whole of the Roman world. It was designed at the end of the 1st century for the presentation of animal and gladiator combats. It is still used today for bull fights. Tour Magne The Magne tower is the tallest tower of the Roman ramparts and was built on the highest hill of Nimes in about 16-15 BC. It could be seen from a long way away and was a symbol of the Roman domination of the region, indicating the presence of an imperial sanctuary. It was solid until the 18th century when it was hollowed-out during the search for a treasure trove. Now you are able to climb a staircase inside the tower to get a view of Nimes from above. Les Jardins Towards the center of town, there's a beautiful park and fountain garden. |
Giverny Caen & Villers Bayeux D-Day Le Mans Loire Valley Chateau Chinon Castle Troo Caves Carcassonne Nimes Pont du Gard Le Puy En Velay Perouges Beaune Paris! Cimetiere Notre Dame Museums Versailles Ballooning |